Bug Notes for GemStone/S v6.6.4

Display only results containing:
Number Description Impact Last Updated
49661 System timeGmt2005 overflows to LargeInteger on 1/5/2022 zInfoInfo 2021 08 188/18/21
47243 Login attempts when logins suspended generates clutter in topaz/gem and page manager logs zInfoInfo 2017 10 2710/27/17
46931 Problems reading Unix-formatted text files on Windows normal 2017 06 086/8/17
46377 RcQueues have issues on January 5, 2022 normal 2021 08 188/18/21
46264 GBJ 3.0 library load fails on Windows 64-bit machines zInfoInfo 2016 06 176/17/16
45786 GsFile contentsOfDirectory: can fail to find entries on NFS file servers normal 2016 02 262/26/16
45744 Inconsistent lock status after failed commit on temporary locked object normal 2015 10 2210/22/15
44611 MinusQuietNaN and MinusSignalingNaN are printed incorrectly normal 2015 12 1812/18/15
44548 Multiple set-valued comparison predicates conjoined with & produce inconsistent results normal 2015 12 1812/18/15
44498 Nested block variable resolution with to:do: may be incorrect normal 2014 07 297/29/14
43536 Last VSD stone cache statistics out of order normal 2013 12 0912/9/13
43463 Logins during commitRestore can cause commitRestore to fail normal 2014 05 295/29/14
42354 restoreFromBackup(s):newSystemUserPassword can fail normal 2012 06 216/21/12
41794 Turning on stale account aging may disable accounts normal 2012 04 094/9/12
41366 VSD problems with Windows 7 zInfoInfo 2015 12 1812/18/15
41342 Encoded size ByteArray comparison method primitive failures normal 2011 02 242/24/11
41019 Performance of ordering on multi-predicate indexed queries zInfoInfo 2010 10 2210/22/10
40652 stack corruption returning from ClientForwarder send normal 2011 07 117/11/11
39900 Remote cross-platform MFC has risk of gem crash normal 2010 01 201/20/10
39740 ByteArray with DateTimes can't be used cross platform normal 2010 01 201/20/10
39679 Logout with logins suspended rereads configuration file normal 2010 07 297/29/10
39639 ByteArray methods may fail normal 2009 01 231/23/09
39356 Change in character collation sequence can break indexes aCriticalCritical 2008 08 198/19/08
38988 VSD no longer shipped with Windows server zInfoInfo 2008 07 217/21/08
38086 Assigning object to extent may not succeed zInfoInfo 2008 02 282/28/08
37973 Multiple Stones can attach to SAN extents causing corruption aCriticalCritical 2007 11 1511/15/07
36966 Remote caches do not use SHR_PAGE_CACHE_LOCKED setting normal 2007 08 308/30/07
36273 Use of TZ environment variable results in incorrect Times. normal 2007 03 063/6/07
34314 auditInternalStructures fails for some UnorderedCollection subclasses normal 2006 04 074/7/06
34067 performOnServer: fails if TMP not writable normal 2007 11 0211/2/07
33866 copydbf to Linux character raw partitions fails normal 2006 02 012/1/06
33644 During backup, delayed response to lack of free space normal 2006 02 022/2/06
33298 restoreReclaimPages ties up pages until next tranlog normal 2005 10 1010/10/05
33065 Error on restore of backups of repositories writing tranlogs to /dev/null normal 2006 01 311/31/06
32155 GciSoftBreak will not interrupt sleeping session normal 2005 04 044/4/05
31738 Exception #rtErrDoesNotUnderstand can fail with SEGV normal 2005 04 044/4/05
31689 doesNotUnderstand can corrupt stack normal 2005 04 044/4/05
31348 Idle sessions don't immediately exit on stopSession: zInfoInfo 2008 05 155/15/08
31180 Creating symbols via GciCreateByteObj fails normal 2005 04 044/4/05
30982 Problems with debug step command on untilTrue:/untilFalse: normal 2005 04 044/4/05
30896 String>>asNumber fails with radix > 10 and character digits normal 2005 04 044/4/05
30820 Unused temporary variable result in incorrect instance variable assignment normal 2004 06 186/18/04
30710 ProcessorTime is always 0 normal 2004 06 256/25/04
30202 GsFile doesn't use 64 bit file I/O normal 2004 03 083/8/04
29855 Tranlog sequences can contain "Fork-In-Time" normal 2003 10 2910/29/03
29854 Cannot backup/restore to tape on Linux normal 2003 11 0311/3/03
29830 SIGUSR1 stack print mechanism fails during logout normal 2005 04 044/4/05
29752 Cross-platform pageaudit has false-positive errors. normal 2003 10 2810/28/03
29670 Specification of remote replicate tranlogs may inadvertently succeed normal 2003 10 2810/28/03
29627 Nonblocking GCI function may SIGSEGV on Linux normal 2003 10 2810/28/03
29617 restoreReclaimPages primitive errors reported incorrectly normal 2003 09 129/12/03
29578 #transactionless mode incorrect from System(c)>>cacheStatistics: normal 2003 09 129/12/03
29520 Stone will not start with null primary/valid replicate tranlog directories zInfoInfo 2003 08 278/27/03
29485 Language file compilation does not handle % as documented normal 2003 09 159/15/03
29242 VSD may fail to start with Tcl 8.3 installed normal
29095 In tranlog full condition, sessions may timeout and be killed normal
28821 Statically linked custom gems broken on Linux normal 2007 12 0312/3/07
28789 Inherited NRS value may cause remote SPC startup problems normal
28728 Some system-level statistics are incorrect on Windows normal 2011 07 117/11/11
28546 Gems with static user action code die with SIGILL normal 2008 05 155/15/08
28330 Gems can crash with page cache fault during stone shutdown normal
28208 #rtErrLostOtHandlingFailed while in a transaction normal
28103 Tranlog full condition may cause stone to crash normal 2004 03 223/22/04
27908 Set-valued indexes are known to have problems normal 2003 08 118/11/03
27660 continueTransaction after password change fails normal
27482 Cannot run pageaudit from root directory on Windows normal 2011 07 117/11/11
27338 Missing tranlogs are not detected during restore normal
27279 Limit on number of netldi spawned process on Windows normal 2006 07 197/19/06
27268 Interrupted recovery can lead to page audit errors normal
27227 Topaz output suppressed while executing from .topazini normal
27201 On Windows, topaz -l doesn't clean up after forced termination normal 2011 07 117/11/11
27091 Some statmonitor statistics not updated for remote shared page cache normal 2007 11 2611/26/07
27089 OS network drives can confuse GemStone local/remote status aCriticalCritical
27082 Repository >> restoreStatusNextFileId not aware of final fileId zInfoInfo
27065 Recovery fails with unused extents normal 2007 11 2111/21/07
26396 copydbf of a compressed gzip file fails normal
26117 GsFile class>>contentsAndTypesOfDirectory:onClient: reports files as directories normal
25456 Compressed file names without .gz appended normal
25124 fullBackupCompressedTo: fails for raw character partitions normal
24961 Increasing #mfcGcPageBufSize can have adverse effects zInfoInfo 2004 06 076/7/04
24015 AllSymbols collection is not scalable normal
23975 GCI user actions may have incorrect results following a full backup normal
23746 Object audit can inappropriately re-enable logins normal
23508 Correction for poor performance using _asIdentityBag on large Bags/Set normal
23073 SharedDependencyList inefficiencies may cause performance issues normal 2014 05 105/10/14
22722 Incomplete implementation of BinaryFloat (C)>> status normal
22542 GBS sessions cannot respond to sigAborts when control passes outside Smalltalk normal
22170 reclaimAll can fail immediately after markForCollection zInfoInfo
21888 System timeGmt95 and timeGmt2005 are off by 72 minutes, 48 seconds normal 2016 08 238/23/16
21365 startstone or login fail with misleading shmget() error normal
20341 Temporary object audit errors after restore normal
19449 DateTime creation on boundaries of Daylight Savings Time normal
19246 "Audit errors" during object audit and/or page audit normal
18525 max values for gcGem parameters silently restricted to max SmallInteger values normal
15521 Date does not restrict year inputs normal
15520 Stone hangs when repository is full normal 2008 06 106/10/08
15350 Comparison of nil DateTime yields unexpected result normal
15190 Network crash may prevent Gems from committing normal 2007 12 0312/3/07
15073 New instances of UserProfile added to AllUsers, not to the receiver normal 2007 11 1911/19/07
14023 GemStone does not like a space in its directory name normal
13660 Login with blank in stone name fails with wrong error normal
13355 listInstances results may include dead objects normal 2007 11 2011/20/07
13083 Stack breakpoint at end of method normal
12981 Hash values change on modification of collection elements normal
12891 Failed commits can give inconsistent view of data aCriticalCritical
12819 IdentityDictionary passivate, activate returns unequal Dictionary zInfoInfo 2011 03 213/21/11
12778 Execution stack overflow error from Dictionary = normal
12729 fullBackupTo succeeds to unintended location normal
12685 continueTransaction misleading in some cases involving rc objects normal
11976 Unclear error message when attempting to use GciUserActionShutdown incorrectly zInfoInfo 2008 06 106/10/08
11611 Incorrect unresolved external references cause errors at run-time normal
11247 The gemsetup.sh and gemsetup.csh scripts set path incorrectly normal 2007 11 1411/14/07
11202 Do not copy tape as a test for a readable backup file normal 2007 11 1911/19/07
10849 waitstone -1 on stone performing restores does not respond normal
10665 GemStone environment variables work differently for Windows services normal 2003 09 099/9/03
10638 Service may not start when GemStone resides on network drive normal 2003 09 099/9/03
9537 Reject queries along path containing * return wrong result normal
8425 Read lock on temporary object prevents a commit from making it permanent normal
8199 BackupLog shows backups that failed with bad arg normal
4390 String>>at:equals: is inconsistent for arg '' normal

Last updated: 09/17/24

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