
Community Edition Licensing for GBS

GemTalk is pleased to announce the availability of Community licensing for GemBuilder for Smalltalk (GBS). This provides a starter GBS license that allows personal and commercial use of GBS, including production, with a Community-licensed GemStone server.

You will need separate licensing for the client Smalltalk products that support GBS, Cincom’s VisualWorks Smalltalk and […]

August 13th, 2018|Announcements, News|

Terminology Changes

Clarification on terminology changes for open-source projects: "Development Kit" replaces the terms Seaside and GLASS, to avoid imprecise and potentially confusing overlaps of meaning.

August 29th, 2014|Announcements|

OpenSSL Heartbleed bug – fix available

The Heartbleed bug in OpenSLL libraries is a potential security vulnerability for GemStone/S 64 Bit v3.0 and later; customers should update openSSL libraries.

April 9th, 2014|Announcements|

GemStone/S transitions to GemTalk Systems

GemStone/S transitions to GemTalk Systems; a message to our customers

Gemtalk Systems is happy to announce the transition from VMware to a new independent company.

GemTalk is focused on our GemStone/S product and on enhancing our technologies and services, to provide an outstanding platform and support for mission-critical applications.

May 1st, 2013|Announcements|