GemTalk is pleased to announce the availability of Community licensing for GemBuilder for Smalltalk (GBS). This provides a starter GBS license that allows personal and commercial use of GBS, including production, with a Community-licensed GemStone server.

You will need separate licensing for the client Smalltalk products that support GBS, Cincom’s VisualWorks Smalltalk and Instantiation’s VA Smalltalk. Free and trial versions of these products may restrict use to personal or academic use. You may only use the GBS Community Edition license for purposes that are consistent with the licensing terms for the client Smalltalk product you use.

For Cincom, see VisualWorks Personal Use License; for Instantiations, see VA Smalltalk open source license or VA Smalltalk academic license.

The Community Edition license for GemBuilder is specific for use with a GemStone/S 64 Bit server that is licensed under the Community Edition license. It applies to all GemBuilder client platforms.

For more information, contact