Since GemBuilder for Java’s development tools are implemented in Java, developers can create both Java-based applications and Smalltalk-based GemStone/S applications without leaving their preferred development environment.
Licensing & Terms of Use
The GemBuilder for Java product includes both code that is loaded into the GemStone/S server, and Java .JAR files that provides the interface to the Java application.
GemBuilder for Java is licensed separately from the GemStone/S server. Starting with GemStone/S 64 Bit v3.2, GBJ access is managed by the server keyfile. The free and low-cost community and web licenses do not include GBJ.
Contact GemTalk sales for information on GemBuilder for Java licenses.
Release History
For a list of past versions of GBJ, and the release notes describing changes in each version, see the Release History and Table of Release Notes.
Current version – 3.2
Released December 2024
GemStone server: GemStone/S 64 Bit v3.7.2 and later only
GBJ version 3.2 is a major release, with changes in how GBJ connects to the Stone and associated performance and reliability improvements, and including other changes and bug fixes.
For older versions of GemBuilder for Java, see 3.x versions.
Documentation for all versions of GBJ are available in .pdf form.
Release Notes v3.2 pdf html
Installation Guide v3.2 pdf html
GBJ Programmer’s Guide v3.0
Downloading GBJ is restricted to customers who have purchased licenses for this product.
Bug Notes
Bugnotes describe known error conditions, bugs, and unexpected behaviors. You should refer to bugnotes regularly to ensure you are aware of potential problems in products you are using.