Bug Notes for GemConnect v2.1.1

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Number Description Impact Last Updated
47879 BINARY_FLOAT / BINARY_DOUBLE not supported normal 2019 01 221/22/19
47644 Reading BLOBS/CLOBS requires SQL "SELECT ... FOR UPDATE" normal 2018 07 027/2/18
44456 Operations on Oracle Objects trigger SIGSEGV zInfoInfo 2023 10 0210/2/23
43857 BLOB/CLOB/NCLOB operations in autoCommit mode can trigger Oracle errors zInfoInfo 2023 10 0210/2/23
42701 Missing AIO support on AIX causes GemConnect load errors aCriticalCritical 2014 04 094/9/14
41286 ProfMonitor sampling bias on GemConnect zInfoInfo 2023 10 0210/2/23
40811 Errors on UTF8 CLOB operations using DoubleByteStrings on Windows aCriticalCritical 2012 07 137/13/12
40755 Errors on UTF8 conversion on Linux, Solaris/Intel aCriticalCritical 2012 08 218/21/12
40717 Problems reading/writing very large UTF8 CLOBS normal 2010 07 137/13/10
40711 Errors during BLOB/CLOB reads can trigger ORA_03127 errors normal 2010 07 137/13/10
40633 SIGSEGV on nil GsOracleParameter fields normal 2010 07 137/13/10
40290 Oracle Library initialization problems not reported clearly normal 2010 07 137/13/10
40132 UTF8 conversion needs $NLS_LANG set to .UTF8 zInfoInfo 2023 10 0210/2/23
39964 Reading large CLOBS with UTF conversion overflows buffer normal 2009 05 065/6/09
39944 Problem with reads/writes to Oracle TIMESTAMP fields aCriticalCritical 2009 04 294/29/09
39531 CR's (carriage returns) stripped from SQL statements aCriticalCritical 2014 04 094/9/14
39389 QuadByteStrings not supported in GemConnect normal 2009 04 294/29/09
37543 GsRdbWriteStreams need schema or get #invalidTableErrors normal 2014 04 094/9/14
36634 Specialized Integer queries return Floats zInfoInfo 2008 06 106/10/08
35677 DoubleByteString characters must be < 0x8000 aCriticalCritical 2007 01 111/11/07
32854 Problems with customer-built 64-bit liboraapiNN.so library normal 2008 06 106/10/08
32853 Customer-built liboraapi library needs to link to correct Oracle libraries zInfoInfo 2014 04 094/9/14
26608 GemConnect and user action libraries zInfoInfo 2023 10 0210/2/23
14315 Non-mapped instance variables result in errors during SQL update generation zInfoInfo 2023 10 0210/2/23
14209 Cannot get Oracle stored procedure results back normal 2004 09 109/10/04
13401 Unresolved references in relink of GemConnect on Solaris zInfoInfo 2014 04 094/9/14
12691 Object audit results in loss of GemConnect connection cache normal 2004 09 109/10/04

Last updated: 09/17/24

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