Bug Notes for GemBuilder for Smalltalk/VA v5.4.1

Display only results containing:
Number Description Impact Last Updated
48144 Array replication can break hash tables normal 2020 07 087/8/20
48012 Dynamic instance variables not displayed normal 2020 07 087/8/20
47870 Replicating a header-only report for a LargeInteger corrupts the cached copy in the client aCriticalCritical 2019 04 114/11/19
45222 GbsObjErrDoesNotExist if multiple sessions send #asGSObjectInSession: to the same object normal 2007 11 0511/5/07
41759 GemBuilder filein class creation won't version subclasses or copy methods normal 2012 07 137/13/12
41729 "No client class SomeClass, class generation is disabled" even though SomeClass exists normal 2011 07 187/18/11
41728 GemBuilder fileout/filein of GemStone Smalltalk doesn't initialize classes normal 2011 07 187/18/11
41726 Session Browser Fails to Update Session Status normal 2011 07 187/18/11
41725 GBS debugger step from GS into client forwarder fails normal 2011 07 187/18/11
41724 Embedded ClientForwarder can't print itself normal 2011 07 187/18/11
41723 Session Browser may not show correct transaction mode normal 2011 07 187/18/11
41721 ClassInstVar changes aren't flushed or faulted normal 2011 07 187/18/11
41719 If server session timezone is changed, DateTime replication uses old timezone normal 2011 07 187/18/11
41718 Possible to lose modifications through concurrent operations aCriticalCritical 2011 07 187/18/11
40321 Debugger shows fowarder information rather than server object normal 2010 02 042/4/10
35422 Class Instance Variable Check On Create/Compile in ST Raises Error normal 2008 10 1710/17/08
30902 Stack growth due to GemStone exceptions handled and resumed in client normal 2017 12 0412/4/17
28047 "Invalid operation during callback" errors from VisualAge normal 2005 03 313/31/05
25565 Defunct stub errors occur under VA aCriticalCritical 2005 03 313/31/05
16711 Use of VA debugger "stack" -> "next stack display range" results in walkback normal 2005 03 313/31/05
15253 Symbol List Browser: Update Error When Selected Symbol is Obsolete normal 2011 07 197/19/11
14652 GBS/VisualAge GemStone Bag Inspector does not list elements normal 2005 03 313/31/05
11138 Improper authorizations prevent Symbol List Browser opening normal 2008 10 2910/29/08

Last updated: 09/17/24

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