Bug Notes for GemBuilder for Java v3.1.2

Display only results containing:
Number Description Impact Last Updated
48138 Printout of oop in GbjObject toString goes negative normal 2019 06 116/11/19
47289 GBJ Error: startindex/numObjs out of range in getObjs() using GbjIterator normal 2017 11 0811/8/17
47084 Enumeration over large collection of registered class instances can fail with ClassCastException normal 2020 04 024/2/20
46531 Problems using GbjLauncher programatically normal 2016 11 2211/22/16
46468 GbjDebugger / client forwarder problems normal 2019 06 116/11/19
46368 GbjGciPreferences breaks on libgbjgci library load problems normal 2016 10 0610/6/16
45748 GbjSession>>perform can fail with #rtErrNoExistingSymbol normal 2016 01 111/11/16
44526 Host specification on Android must be IP addresses normal 2016 11 2211/22/16
44000 Linked logins on GBJ zInfoInfo 2015 09 309/30/15
30012 GBJ corrupts characters in strings with characters with codepoints over 127 normal 2016 10 0610/6/16
17980 Problems with file-in in GBJ tools normal

Last updated: 07/17/24

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