Bug 51328

GemStone/S 64 Bit


ReclaimGem not responsive while in sleepTimeBetweenReclaimUs

The ReclaimGem parameter sleepTimeBetweenReclaimUs provides a way to slow down reclaim to avoid reclaim placing an excessive demand on a production system. When this parameter is set, the ReclaimGem sleeps for the specified period between reclaims. Due to this bug, the ReclaimGem is (incorrectly) not responsive to sigAborts during this sleep period.

This parameter is configured in microseconds, with a maximum setting of 300000000, which is 5 minutes. With a setting that is larger than the sigAbort timeout of the system, which defaults to 1 minute, the ReclaimGem is subject to being killed by lostOT processing; and after the automatic restart is likely to be killed again.

In earlier 3.7.x versions, the ReclaimGem did not correctly perform the checks to apply this parameter, so sleepTimeBetweenReclaimUs was not effective; large values were safe but ineffective.


Do not set #sleepTimeBetweenReclaimUs to large values!

Use caution in setting this configuration parameter; when turning reclaim, start with waits of a  few milliseconds to a few seconds.


Last updated: 2/19/25