There is a very small window during the period where a session is logging in, for which System class >> processKindForSlot: for the new session's slot (invoked by another session) may return 0.
The method System class >> cacheStatisticsDescriptionAt: expects a non-zero result, and gets a primitive error.
To patch cacheStatisticsDescriptionAt:, file in the following as SystemUser
cacheStatisticsDescriptionAt: aSlot "Returns an array of strings which describe the cache statistics for the kind using the cache slot with index anInt. Returns an empty array if the slot is not in use." | kind | kind := self processKindForSlot: aSlot . ^kind < 1 ifTrue:[ Array new ] ifFalse:[ self cacheStatisticsDescriptionForType: kind ]
Last updated: 2/13/25