Bug 49822

GemStone/S 64 Bit

3.6.3, 3.6.2, 3.6.1, 3.6, 3.5.7, 3.5.6, 3.5.5, 3.5.4, 3.5.3, 3.5.2, 3.5.1, 3.5, 3.4.5, 3.4.4, 3.4.3, 3.4.2, 3.4.1, 3.4, 3.3.9, 3.3.8, 3.3.7, 3.3.6, 3.3.x, 3.3, 3.2.17, 3.2.16, 3.2.15, 3.2.x

3.6.4, 3.5.8

ScaledDecimal literals in code cannot be parsed in a Locale with comma decimal point

Smalltalk syntax requires a period $. as a decimal point. You may operate with numbers containing comma separators by using the Locale class, which allows parsing in fromString:, and default display; however, Smalltalk code expressions must still use the period decimal point.

In a system configured with a comma decimal point Locale, ScaledDecimal literals syntax fails to parse by the Smalltalk compiler. For example, an expression such as '3.45s6' evaluate, or topaz exec 3.45s6 % fails; this is correct syntax in all locales.

Note that '3,45s6' evaluate also fails, which is expected.

SmallDouble and Float literals are handled correctly.


Last updated: 1/27/22