Bug 48841


GemStone/S 64 Bit

3.5.2, 3.5.1, 3.5, 3.4.5, 3.4.4, 3.4.3, earlier versions


Issues running GemStone on latest versions of Mac Catalina

When the GemStone distribution is downloaded from the GemTalk website, users running on the most recent versions of OSX 10.15 (Catalina) may see the executables blocked as a security risk, and it may be difficult to run GemStone software.

When software is downloaded from a web application, the Mac GateKeeper now will set LSFileQuarantineEnabled on, which results in executables being quarantined.


LSFileQuarantineEnabled  is not set for applications downloaded using curl or ftp that is not from a web application.

For example

curl --output GemStone64Bit3.5.2-i386.Darwin.zip https://downloads.gemtalksystems.com/pub/GemStone64/3.5.2/GemStone64Bit3.5.2-i386.Darwin.zip

You can verify using

    codesign --verify --verbose <executable>

for example,

    prompt> codesign --verify --verbose $GEMSTONE/sys/stoned


Last updated: 5/2/24