Due to the way GS/64 constructs paths, there are library load problems when running GBJ on Windows when using a GS/64 server. These problems cause a fatal runtime exception in the GBJ Tools.
The specific error will depend on if you are using a 32-bit or 64-bit java:
On Windows 64-bit java/GBJ runs, will fail with an error similar to: DynLibLoad() failed. error: LoadLibrary(<GSDIRECTORY>/lib/libgcirpc-<GSVERSION>-64.dll) failed with errcode 126
On Windows 32-bit java/GBJ runs, will fail with an error similar to: DynLibLoad() failed. error: LoadLibrary(<GSDIRECTORY>\bin\libgcirpc-<GSVERSION>-32.dll) failed with errcode 126
For 64-bit java: copy the GCI library, libgcirpc-N.N.N-64.dll, from the %GEMSTONE%/bin directory to %GEMSTONE%/lib directory. Only the specific file libgcirpc-N.N.N-64.dll needs to be copied.
For 32-bit java: copy the GCI library, libgcirpc-N.N.N-32.dll, from the %GEMSTONE%/bin32 directory to %GEMSTONE%/lib32 directory. Only the specific file libgcirpc-N.N.N-32.dll is needed.
Last updated: 11/18/16