The following two GsObjectInventory methods will fail with the 2061 OutOfRange error:
profileRepositoryAndListInstancesInPageOrder: anArrayOfClasses toFile: aString
profileRepositoryAndSkipHiddenClassesAndListInstancesInPageOrder: anArrayOfClasses toFile: aString
The error will look like:
GemStone: Error Nonfatal
a OutOfRange occurred (error 2061), reason:rtErrArgOutOfRange, for a SmallInteger, should be between 1 and 45
The error will appear to be related to using the argument zero for the hiddenSetSpecifier in the _objInventory:* call, but is actually due to internal confusion over the class of the anArrayofClasses argument.
There is no GS/64 Smalltalk-level workaround for this error.
Last updated: 5/20/15