Bug 44204


GemStone/S 64 Bit



SymbolKeyValueDictionary >> at:ifAbsent: and includesKey: silent lookup failures

In earlier versions, SymbolKeyValueDictionary inherited the implementation
of a number of methods from its superclass. When these methods were added
to SymbolKeyValueDictionary in 3.2 for optimization, there was a coding
error in the implementation of the at:ifAbsent: method. This also affects
includesKey:, which relies on at:ifAbsent:.


Filein the following as SystemUser, and commit

method: SymbolKeyValueDictionary
at: aKey ifAbsent: aBlock

 (Symbol _existingWithAll: aKey) ifNil:[
 aBlock ifNil:[^ self _errorKeyNotFound: aKey ] .
 ^ aBlock value
 ] ifNotNil:[ :sym |
 ^ super at: sym ifAbsent: aBlock

Last updated: 5/19/14